11 years, 22 films and 80 years of comic history, Marvel’s Avengers Endgame is a cultural event. It is the culminating film in the current era for Marvel Studios, which began in 2008 with Iron Man, and is a love letter to the fans as it follows on from...
Based on Henry James’ gothic novella and directed by Daniel Buckroyd, The Turn of the Screw is a tale of lost innocence. The tale retells the story of a governess who accepts an offer of employment which consists of caring for two children at a rural estate called Bly....
Nottingham New Theatre’s latest comedy We’re Here for Laura, a comedy about four horrible friends, written by Luwa Adebanjo and Kellyn Morrissey, and directed by Florence Avis, was a surprisingly light-hearted, entertaining exploration into the human inability to change. “It seemed like a caricature-esque Breakfast Club, a conclusion which...
Shazam is a carefree coming of age movie that is a welcome change from DC’s darker offerings. “There are no universe-threatening cataclysms, as certain other heroes may be struggling with and, though it has its dark moments, it will ultimately leave you with a contented smile on your face”...
After having the privilege of interviewing Whenyoung before the gig and after listening to their music on the bus journey I was excited to see them in action on the stage, so I purchased a cold dark fruit and watched as people slowly started to fill the notorious Rock...
On Tuesday evening, audience members at the Theatre Royal were transported back to the 1980’s as Rock of Ages, the jukebox musical directed by Nick Winston, embarked on the fourth leg of its UK tour here in Nottingham. Entering the beautiful ornate theatre, as pounding rock anthems were played,...
Entering ‘The Glee Club’ for the first time, I immediately knew that I was in for an enjoyable evening: the softly glowing pink lights creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, making me ready to see the great Hal Cruttendon perform live only 10 feet away from my table. With...