The original Netflix superhero series returns for its third outing, and demonstrates the art of simplicity with a scaled-back, but nonetheless engaging, tale about vengeance, betrayal and manipulation. Following his apparent death at the end of The Defenders in 2017, blind lawyer Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) proves to be very much...
“If I were a superhero, I would swoop down and save the many suffering students who fall victim to the terrors of that ‘post-night-out feeling’. Too often, hopeful students go to pre-drinks, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eagerly anticipating nothing more than an opportunity to let their hair down and relax...
Spider-Man today remains one of the world’s most recognisable and culturally significant superheroes. Portrayed for years in comics, TV, film, and, of course, video games, Spider-Man has received nearly universal critical and commercial success in almost all forms of entertainment. Insomniac Games, praised developer of the likes of Ratchet...
Sony’s latest attempt to steal market share away from the MCU sees reporter Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) discover the aliens known as symbiotes. He and his psychotic alter-ego face off against the Life Foundation and its CEO Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), who seek to abuse the symbiotes, a power...
It’s been 14 years since the first Incredibles hit the silver screen, but finally after the long wait (and an extra month thanks to the World Cup) Incredibles 2 is in cinemas. Written and Directed by Brad Bird, director of the prequel, he only agreed to take the role...
How do you write a sequel to the highest grossing R-rated film of all time? This was the task given to director David Leitch. On Tuesday 15th the merc with the mouth, played by Ryan Reynolds returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2 to fight the time traveller Cable (Josh...
Trying to review this film is particularly difficult for two reasons. The first has been well advertised: big things happen often in this film and talking about them would likely ruin the experience for anyone still yet to see it. It’s hard to discuss the finer aspects of a...