Katie Barr University was supposed to be where everything would finally click. Instead, I’m always running late, losing track of time, and watching deadlines sneak up like jump scares. I start tasks with the best intentions, only to get lost in a YouTube deep dive on the most notorious...
Tom Hayward A year on from the sentencing of Valdo Calocane, the perpetrator of the 2023 Nottingham attacks, a debate over accountability continues to rage. Yet despite a push to identify specific individuals at fault, a picture has emerged of deeper flaws in our public services. With the recent...
Yasmine Medjdoub Many of us spend way more time than we would like on TikTok. Still, as it has become a popular (if not the most popular) way of staying up to date with news and current trends, many young people fear that deleting the app will lead to...
Marina Vujovic Is social media usage really that addictive? A recent study argued against the addictive nature of excessive social media use, but is it something we should be worried about? Marina Vujovic discusses the negative impacts of social media and whether relying too heavily on its usage can...
A landmark hearing beginning on the 11th December will decide whether universities owe a legal duty of care for their students....
It has been proven that people would rather turn up to an event overdressed rather than underdressed. Clothing is an essential part of our culture, and social media has enhanced this through Instagram accounts such as Vogue and TikTok showing off recent outfits. However, getting dressed up for the...
With up to 460,000 Brits taking yoga classes each week, alongside the many thousands more practising at home, it is safe to say this ancient spiritual practice has embedded itself within Western culture. It is reassuring, however, to know that 44.8% of those who practise yoga consider themselves to...