Mayhem follows Derek Cho (Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead Fame), a fast-rising employee who finds he has sold his soul to the corporate world as he navigates his way through his office, which is in quarantine after the outbreak of a virus which rises stress level hormones, causing...
A film about coming-of-age, escapism and above all music, Access All Areas is a loud and colourful explosion of atmosphere that aims to hit a nostalgic note inside the minds of its audience, and conjure up memories of long golden summers of youth and discovery. Filmed over this year’s Bestival on the Isle of...
The final film to grace the silver screen at the Nottingham International Film Festival was the Polish drama Rage (originally titled W?ciek?o??), directed by Michal Wegrzyn. Set in contemporary Warsaw, Rage follows one traumatic evening in the life of Adam (Jakub Swiderski), an arrogant, privileged, young TV journalist. Something...
This production of Irvine Welsh’s infamous novel immediately immerses the audience in its vibrancy and intensity. As soon as the audience enters the room, even before finding their seats, the tone is made clear. The cast members use the stage as a night club, dancing up to you as...
Here is the 4th installment in Sean’s rundown of the 21st Century’s Greatest Films. This time around, 25th Hour. As Barry Pepper points out “it will never be the same again…”, we are forced to stare at a post 9/11 New York. Spike Lee’s camera does not flinch, he...
With possibly one of the most controversial production periods of the last few years and a disappointing opening week box-office gross, I think it’s fair to say Ghost in the Shell is garnering a bad reputation. This is only emphasised by the fact that the original anime film is...
TITLE: A Monster Calls AUTHOR: Patrick Ness GENRE: Low fantasy PUBLISHER: Walker Books PUBLISHED: 2011 PAGES: 214 WARNING: Story centres around a family’s experience with cancer. Also, you will cry. A Monster Calls is a short novel written by Patrick Ness, from an idea developed by Siobhan Dowd, whose own terminal cancer inspired the...