Oddly titled, Man Up tells the story of Nancy (Lake Bell), a singleton who’s mistaken for stranger Jack’s (Simon Pegg) blind date Jessica, and has no initial intention of revealing her actual identity. High-concept? In parts, though writer Tess Morris and director Ben Palmer do manage to dissolve some...
After the monumental success that was 2012’s Skyfall, mixed feeling of excitement and concern are a given for the eventual followup. Skyfall hit that perfect balance of nostalgia and modernisation, largely aided by its release on James Bond’s 50th anniversary, making whatever came next in the franchise a slightly worrying prospect. With the...
After watching The Imitation Game, I found myself leaving the theatre feeling enlightened and inspired, yet grossly enraged by mathematician and code breaker Alan Turing’s remarkable tale. The Imitation Game tells the story of how Turing, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, heroically assisted in the Allied defeat of Adolf Hitler...