KiSS Society was set up in 1995 to support two villages in Uganda and currently supports 300 children, their families, and communities who suffer hardship. At Impact News we sat down with Ellie Corroyer, who is the president of KiSS Society to talk about the work that they are doing at UoN.
The main source of funding for the charity comes from two secondary schools located in Hertfordshire and student-run societies that support the charity based at the University of Birmingham and here at the University of Nottingham. The main aims for the charity are supporting children and families in the community by providing better healthcare and education. KiSS helps with school fees, books, uniforms, and other equipment and creates income generating projects for families to allow children to stop working and attend school.
Ellie had the privilege of going on a missionary trip to Uganda and see personally where the money was going and understand what work got done, during her time there the missionary work was focused on agriculture which included building fences for land.
In the two villages where KiSS work a lot of the income comes from agriculture, it is normal for each family to own their own land and live off of buying and selling their crops. The way in which land ownership works in the villages is that other people can take from your land until you protect it with a fence. Thus, the missionary work was based on building fences for the crops which provided lots of jobs for the local people and were able £1300.
The KiSS Society continuously need the students of UoN’s support to help raise money for the families and communities situated in Hoima and Kasambya. The society has previously held quiz nights, KiSSmas gift donation and movie nights, this Wednesday they will be holding a Krispy Kreme Doughnut sale at their stall during International Festival Week.
You can join the society on the SU website here for just £1, all costs go towards a malaria jab.
Follow KiSS Soc on their Facebook page.
Marvel Kalu
Image courtesy of Ellie Corroyer, President of KiSS Soc.