Happening on Campus

Manifesto Reviews- Full Time Officers: Welfare Officer Candidates 2/2

Harry Chapman and Katie Sullivan

A group of Impact Magazine writers have looked over the candidate manifestos for this year’s Student Union Elections. Harry Chapman, Katie Sullivan, Emma Burnett, Oli Harris, and Hannah Walton-Hughes summarised and discussed each candidate’s main manifesto points, and gave their views on the manifesto. Voting closes on 15th March 2024 at 2pm.

Izzy English:

Main manifesto points:

  1. Empowerment
  2. Eliminating stigma
  3. Be productive, not busy
  4. Run wellbeing events

Isabelle wants to achieve a lot in her manifesto.

She begins by recognising individuals and wants neurodiversity to be celebrated. She would like an alternative online platform to be set up where new students can learn about societies and manage the transition to university.

Izzy has been active in the Students’ Union throughout her time at UoN

On welfare, she wants to see clearer wellbeing support and raise awareness about the challenges students face in terms of mental health, thus eliminating stigma. She wants to see improved communications between staff and students, promote advice for managing digital habits, and wants to run “awesome” wellbeing events including those in SHAG week.

Izzy has been active in the Students’ Union throughout her time at UoN. She has worked on two committees – the Karnival committee and General Secretary for Kettle Society. It shows she knows the way the Students’ Union works and also demonstates a positive work ethic given her duties in these societies.

Her manifesto is very pointed and easy to read. It shows a willingness to work with other officers, such as the part-time officers and sports, to achieve her goals. I think however the more points in her manifesto, the more difficult it will be for her to achieve everything she sets out to.

Jiayan Wang:

Main manifesto points:

  1. Streamlining the Disability Support Process
  2. Enhancing Personal Tutor Training
  3. Cultural Sensitivity and Support for International Students
  4. Feedback and Improvement

Jiayan’s vision of the Welfare and Wellbeing Officer role is one that focuses in on disability support. As an international student and a student with ADHD, Jiayan uses these formative experiences to outline her manifesto.

She pledges to use her position to simplify the process for students to find disability support. She would also like to ensure personal tutors receive training on different disabilities, develop support schemes for international students taking into account cultural differences, and endeavours to continuously improve with a functioning feedback system.

Jiayan has contributed to student life by being the Publicity Department Head in Ningbo, China, where she led initiatives to enhance student engagement. She also has volunteering experience at a school for children with autism.

Jiayan’s manifesto is pointed and clear. I feel as though much of her manifesto wouldn’t look out of place in applying for the role of the part-time Disabled Students’ Officer, but where there is crossover, this is a great manifesto for that cohort of students.

Olufunto Eleybiyo:

Main manifesto points:

  1. Engaging university offices with student body needs
  2. Building a network of well-being volunteers
  3. First-hand experience of university welfare services

As Welfare and Wellbeing Officer, Olufunto, a Public Health master’s student, would improve the channels of communication from the key university offices to the student body regarding their welfare and wellbeing. Olufunto sets to be the leader of this communication ensuring they would be responsible for identifying the actual welfare needs of the students and delivering focused and student-centred information to the relevant university key staff.

Olufunto would encourage the formation of a large team of wellbeing volunteers in the University – leading to the larger dissemination of information regarding welfare and well-being services of the university. Olufunto has demonstrated great abilities to lead a team and create a network in past experiences concerning the welfare and well-being of others.

They aim to be creative and innovative in their creation of welfare support packages for students at the university with a focus on achieving appropriate uptake of the resources provided. They will utilise campaigns and social media in order to increase awareness of the services available to students while also encouraging the formation of a network of dedicated volunteers.

Olufunto exhibits a lot of empathy and good moral knowledge in their manifesto ensuring a wholesome approach to welfare and wellbeing, acknowledging how vital it is for a successful academic life. This is strengthened by their wealth of experience in the field. They have had first-hand experience with the welfare and wellbeing services of the university, as an international student. As well as acting as a figurehead for welfare services in the community and hospitals during recent postgraduate studies and volunteer work followed by future interests for public health and wellbeing.

Overall, the experience listed within this manifesto is provides confidence in Olufunto’s capabilities of fulfilling the role. I think further questions surrounding what is offered within these support packages, the focuses of the campaigns mentioned and specifically what they would like to change about the current welfare and wellbeing service would be interesting.

Prioty Anika Tahsin:

Main manifesto points:

  1. Highlights key student needs
  2. Proposes well-thought-out campaigns
  3. Existing network with students and faculty staff.

Prioty, an international student ambassador, would create a supporting and welcoming atmosphere ensuring students feel as though they are a priority by addressing the matters tailored to student welfare such as; exam stress, drug and alcohol use and sexual health focusing on the culture of mental and physical health of students.

She demonstrates an ambitious attitude towards leading programmes and campaigns that are student-centred with a focus on their means to have a lasting impact on student lives. She outlines a campaign entitled ‘We Are All Ears’ which will promote the significance of speaking up while emphasising the need for sincere listening within the student community. As well as reaching out by organising regular sessions to connect with students to form an environment where they are encouraged to seek help.

This manifesto focuses highly on student engagement and proffers the increase of courage in students to advocate for their own welfare and wellbeing, based on Prioty’s personal experiences of mental wellbeing during studies. Prioty’s experience as an International Student Ambassador as well as Course Ambassador has set her up with a wide network of channels to cross the student body and to key university staff.

Prioty’s experience and knowledge of student needs excel this manifesto

As well as occupying roles within the University realm she has had experience as a Communications Officer at a non-profit community service which has led her to an existing understanding of the complexity of welfare matters as well as connecting with the appropriate individuals to coordinate change within an organisation.

Prioty’s experience and knowledge of student needs excel this manifesto, however I think further questions on her knowledge of how to ensure the services she proffers to provide are made fully accessible and aware to students would be interesting.

Full officer manifestos can be read on the UoNSU website.

Harry Chapman and Katie Sullivan

Featured image courtesy of Korng Sok via Unsplash. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image.

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Happening on CampusNewsSU Elections

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