• Soundtracks: Do we love ’em or hate ’em?

    Rhianna Greensmith Music has historically been an integral accompaniment to other art forms – arranged to compliment film and television to provide the notorious soundtracks we know and love. But what role do soundtracks really play?  When we think of certain shows, we think of the music that accompanies...
  • Summer TV Picks #5 – Succession

    Daisy Forster Over the last week I’ve rewatched both seasons of HBO’s hit series, ‘Succession’. Despite winning two Emmys for its first season and being nominated eighteen times for its second, I haven’t heard this show talked about much in the UK. Dripping with sass, incompetence and corporate corruption,...
  • Historically Adequate? The Importance Of Period Accuracy In Costume

    Whether it’s the raunchy kilts of Outlander or the leather armour in The Musketeers, there is always some debate about the accuracy of period costume. This is sometimes down to a lack of information about certain periods, but is also often due to the negligence of designers. There has...
  • Summer TV Picks #4: Four Weddings and a Funeral

    As I’m sure is the case for many of you, lockdown has resulted in many binges of many series. But for me, as somebody who already watched a lot of TV before quarantine to procrastinate doing coursework, I found myself searching further afield for my next show. This search...
  • How Netflix’s ‘Ozark’ Writes Strong Independent Women

    I recently finished Season 3 of Netflix’s acclaimed show Ozark, fronted and often directed by the immensely talented Jason Bateman. Bateman plays the relentlessly efficient Marty Byrde, prime money launderer for the second-biggest drug cartel in Mexico. A betrayal and some dead bodies later, Marty finds himself rushing the...
  • The Forgettable Obscurity Of Apple TV+

    Apple TV+ was this week judged “below average” for both value and original programming by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. It has now been over half a year since its launch, so the question is – why has this new streaming service failed to gain traction? While Apple TV+...
  • How The Entertainment Industry Has Attempted To Acknowledge A History Of Racial Prejudice

    Amid the Black Lives Matter movement, society, and more specifically the entertainment industry, is now reflecting on racism in its historical media. One move from US streaming service HBO was to remove the 1939 film Gone with the Wind from its platform, as it perpetuated insensitive portrayals of black...