• John Lewis vs M&S… which is better?

    We’re now fully into the run up to Christmas, and with last minute panic shopping to be done, food to be bought and consumed and TV to watch, what better way is there for shops to grab our attention with a massive advertising campaign? John Lewis is famous for...
  • Fantastic Beasts: I Didn’t Really Like It

    WARNING: MANY SPOILERS AHEAD. DO NOT READ IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR NEWT FROM YOUR NIFFLER. We all love Harry Potter, the books undoubtedly, but the films even more so. If not for their cast of fantastic British actors in iconic roles, then certainly for the casting of unknowns...
  • Trailer Watch – Spiderman: Homecoming

    It might still be over half a year away, but we’re already getting excited for the next outing of our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, as played by Tom Holland. With two versions of the trailer for Spiderman: Homecoming released today, we have plenty of action to wet our appetites. Tony...
  • What’s more entertaining than sexual assault? Quite a lot, actually…

    Over the last few days, the internet has flown into a frenzy after a lost interview with director Bernardo Bertolucci surfaced, wherein he seemed to suggest that the controversial 1972 erotic drama Last Tango In Paris, a film depicting a man’s affair with an unnamed woman following his wife’s...
  • From Film to TV: Why are Film Directors Flocking to the Small Screen?

    There’s no disputing the fact that television is going through a Golden Age. Shows like Breaking Bad, The West Wing, Game of Thrones and countless others have led to a steady rise in the quality of television. Now, Hollywood is at a point where TV may even be surpassing...
  • The Force Awakens: A Year On

    Ah, Star Wars is great, isn’t it? A New Hope (sorry purists, THAT’S what I’m calling it), The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi – classic films, one and all. The prequels were a bit shit though, weren’t they? Because who wants original storylines, new characters and a...
  • Are Christmas Films Overrated?

    Ah, Christmas movies. You come and you invade our channels for a month a year. Us students gather round, begrudgingly watching them with that one flatmate who actually cares. Parents despair as their children, finding excuses in the winter common cold to bunk more and more time off school,...