• Is Blogging Dead?

    Amber gives her personal opinion on how the life of a blogger is rapidly going out of style....
  • The Battle of Online vs. In-Store Shopping

    Shopping is one of those marmite activities that people either absolutely adore or completely detest. For those of us who fall in the first category, we can choose between two methods of shopping: online or in-store....
  • A Review of the Pretty Little Thing X Molly-Mae Collection

    Love Island. The event of the summer. It can’t be mentioned without conjuring up images of fake eyelashes, pristine hair and hopeful romances. However, a prominent feature that has kept us all interested in the program, or more importantly its contenders, is their style....
  • A Recap of Paris Fashion Week

    Fashion was born in the 18th Century salons of Louis XIV. The looks set down the runways at Paris Fashion Week have been igniting trends and shaping the future of the industry for decades. Amber talks us through some of the highlights from Paris Fashion Week. This year, Paris...
  • Magazines for a New Generation: how ‘girly mags’ have become Political, Powerful, and Personal

    Go into any corner shop and go to the magazine aisle. What do you see? It’ll probably be a fairly strong distinction between ‘men’s’ and ‘women’s’ magazines, a line drawn between pink and blue, between fashion and cars. Granted, change has been occurring, and more and more people are...
  • Feeling Sweaty? How To Keep Up With Skin And Hair Care In The Summer

    Summer is here and that can be a great thing for some, and a horrid time for others. The blue skies, long evenings, and glorious temperatures allow you to work on your tan, dust off those sandals, and stow away the layers of clothing you’ve been burrowed in during...
  • Behind the Scenes: Young Professionals Photoshoot

    Our new issue of Impact is centred on success and power, so what better way to round out a successful year for the magazine and Nottingham students than with a professional-themed photoshoot? Read on to find out what happened behind the scenes.   The theme for this issue spans...