• Do you care about BUCS?

    If you’re a member of a sports team at university, the BUCS leagues and championships are central to your sporting and often university life. But it doesn’t attract the attention of many who are not involved with university sport, with some students not even knowing what BUCS is. We’ve...
  • The Monthly BUCS Round-Up

    As the academic year gets into full swing, so does a new season of BUCS sport. UoN have increased their reputation as a sporting university in recent years, finishing fourth in the BUCS standings for the past three years and winning the title of Sports University of the Year...
  • Mental Health in Football: how to tackle it ‘head-on’

    The University of Nottingham Football Club recently held a workshop to raise awareness of men’s mental health issues. A University of Nottingham alumnus, Ed Tarlton, who devised the session, was invited to share his past experiences with current players on Saturday afternoon. There was a general sense of optimism...
  • The club that has everyone loving futsal

    The University of Nottingham‘s futsal programme has earned a reputation as one of the most popular and exciting clubs on our campus. This has been highlighted by their large student engagement, significant attendances at fixtures and hosting the largest domestic futsal match in the UK during Varsity last year....
  • Can the University of Nottingham repeat last season’s success in American Football?

    The NFL is often associated with smashing tackles, incredible throws and athletic players, but the actual understanding of the rules and tactics is often missed. It is a rapidly growing sport universally, and it is about time that we profiled the success and the hard work of our current and...
  • Can the Green and Golds come back with a bang in 2018/19?

    Here at the University of Nottingham we have a long sporting heritage, being one of the founding institutions of the inter-varsity competition now known as BUCS, and having finished in the top 10 of the university leagues for more than 30 years. Our sporting greats have gone on to...
  • #GreenandGold crowned #NottsVarsity champions for 7th year running

    The University of Nottingham (UoN) have won the Notts Varsity Series 2018, beating rivals Nottingham Trent (NTU) to over half of the 21 individual points up for grabs. The two institutions competed across a range of sports and disciplines, but the bragging rights were brought to the Green and...