Following the invasion of Ukraine last month, there have been several appeals set up across Nottingham for those fleeing the conflict. Last Thursday, the Muslim Cultural Centre in Wollaton organised an event in solidarity with Ukraine, asking for people to provide items of food and clothing to those crossing...
From Me to You, a charity founded to inspire people to write letters to those living with cancer, put on a free letter writing workshop last month, with patients at both Nottingham City Hospital and Nottingham QMC signed up to the scheme. ...
On the 4th August, two deadly explosions, caused by stored ammonium nitrate, shook the Lebanese capital of Beirut killing over 200 people, injuring thousands, and leaving nearly 300,000 people homeless....
Impact interviews Cheryl Li, a Biomedical student at UCL, who’s spending Lockdown embracing a new hobby and raising money for charity. Lockdown might be going one of two ways for you: You’re doing nothing even with a tonne of Uni work to do, and staying in bed watching TV...
This week the nation has been captivated not by the rising number of cases and deaths associated with the coronavirus pandemic, but the positive journey of a 99-year-old World War Two veteran who walked 100 laps of his garden to fundraise for the NHS....
Autism Awareness Week Autism awareness week is taking place this week from the 30th of March to the 5th of April in order to spread awareness of autism and the effect that is has on individuals and their families....
Christmas is coming with the promise of family, feasting and plenty of warmth in cosy homes; but not for everyone. The homeless in the UK are facing more and more suffering as the years roll by, and I wanted to explore what is being done to tackle this issue,...