A thought-provoking and stimulating story of a world in which climate change has forced all of humanity to change how they live, Rising Tides by Emma White rises highest when it focuses on the personal relationships borne out on stage. Despite the play’s setting, a near-future Earth where climate...
A witty, rough-round-the-edges tale of two young men and their desire to reach the heady heights of Top of the Pops, Cogito Ergo Bum tells the story of Mike (Sam Morris) and Tony (Jack Lahiff), two flatmates in 90s England. Their life-long dream (for about a week) is to...
The University of Nottingham Students’ Union (UoNSU) has released a statement regarding a number of changes made to the 2018 Nottingham Varsity Series which have led to the forfeiting of the men’s Varsity football fixture by the University of Nottingham. The Students’ Union has confirmed that the Varsity football...
The University of Nottingham and the University of Nottingham Students’ Union (UoNSU) has confirmed that graduation is now free for both students and two guests for the 2018 Summer ceremonies. Along with the two free guest tickets, students will have the option of purchasing a third ticket, which will...
The University of Nottingham (UoN) University College Union (UCU) branch has rejected the latest proposal put forward by Universities UK (UUK) and University College Union (UCU) negotiators over the USS pension dispute. The new proposal outlined a transitional arrangement for three years from 1st April 2019, in which levels...
Malak Mayet has been elected as your new Students’ Union Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for 2018/19. Malak was declared the Black and Minority Ethnic Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 3rd round of voting, with 297 votes. Malak is currently on their year abroad and...
Ruby Harrison has been elected as your new Students’ Union Women’s Officer for 2018/19. Ruby Harrison was declared the Women’s Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 1st round of voting, with 1228 votes. Ruby is also the current Women’s Officer, having also been elected to the...