Rebecca Barton It has been 11 years since we last checked in on the Sex and the City girls, and followed their leisurely lives of men, money, and navigating life in Manhattan. Shooting to prominence in 1998, the four protagonists helped to define a generation, as we witnessed their...
Amazon’s The Marvellous Mrs Maisel is a show that people are seriously sleeping on! It has comedy, it has drama, and most of all it has the one of the best wardrobes on TV. The Marvellous Mrs Maisel is a comedy-drama about Midge Maisel, a housewife in 1950s Manhattan...
Spending two weeks in New York City was easily one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. The 100mph atmosphere is incredible, even for this London boy. Two weeks at the end of June and start of July in the summer just gone were spent exploring the...