The Nottingham New Theatre’s production of The Tales of Alice perfectly reimagines Lewis Carroll’s classic story, with a new flair and contemporary twist. Written and directed by Farah Shah, and produced by Lily Hagen, the show offers a refreshed perspective on the beloved tale, blending Carroll’s chaotic and whimsical...
Lily Staples This latest pantomime extravaganza from the Nottingham Playhouse is Jack and the Beanstalk, a resounding triumph of fairy-tale magic paired with musical flair. It is directed by the ever-brillliant Adam Penford who provides the production with creativity, humour and elements of unmistakable Nottingham charm. Local references are...
On a Sunday night in February, three female-fronted rock bands teamed up at Nottingham’s Rock City to provide an evening of live music and entertainment that was truly a celebration of women within the rock genre. Gemma Cockrell reviews....
Rolo Tomassi have had a varied musical journey, from glitchy hardcore to post metal and mathcore to the edge of shoegaze and dream pop. Their latest release is, in my eyes, not only the inevitable culmination of all their influences and past releases, but also a triumphant new chapter...
After speaking with Frank Turner earlier in January, I was excited to get my teeth into 'FTHC', which I was fortunate enough to have early access to. The record is varied, exciting and vibrant, showcasing Turner’s exceptional lyricism in both high octane and sincere tracks. ‘FTHC’ provides a well-rounded...
With their debut ‘Communion’ stacked with hits including King, Shine, Eyes Shut and Desire, it’s no secret that ‘Palo Santo’ didn’t land quite as well commercially, except for album highlight If You’re Over Me. However, the build up to ‘Night Call’ seemed much more promising, with the singles Starstruck,...
Bunny by Mona Awad is one of the most memorable books I’ve had the pleasure of reading in recent months. You will be immersed in the book’s world of surreal, eccentric, dark academia. Bunny includes the topics of toxic and obsessive female friendships, confusion over sexuality, and imposter syndrome...