• Pride and Prejudice – LGBT+ and YouTube

    Since YouTube’s emergence in 2006, the dynamic between YouTube and the LGBT+ community has always been an interesting one. On the one hand, the site proclaims to support and endorse LGBT+ content, yet, just this year, YouTube enabled censorship of some LGBT+ videos through a “restricted” filter. The new...
  • Star Wars’ Future Han Solo Movie – Director’s Cut Out

    Controversy and justifiable doubt has engulfed Disney’s recent decision to fire Miller and Lord, the up-until-now directors of the as-yet-untitled Han Solo Star Wars movie. Fans vocalized their arguements against the ruling and apparent suppression of creative freedom, whereas others understand Kathleen Kennedy and co. were entirely justified in...
  • Look Out For. . . July

    Another year of university has come and gone, bringing us ever closer to the moment many are to enter. . . the real world. But before I induce an existential, quarter-life crisis, I’ll move on to the plethora of films coming out this month – blockbusters and horrors aplenty....
  • Reel Equality – Change Agents for Hollywood?

    Reel Equality, a campaign of the Nottingham based organisation, Equation, has involved itself even further regarding an issue that lies close to the many – gender inequality on the big screen. Impact Magazine interviewed Reel Equality volunteer Agnes Flues to disclose their defining purpose for Nottinghamshire. With developments such as...
  • “Enjoy it as much as you can” – Former UoN Student Turned Actor Oliver Silver

    Oliver Silver grew up in Dubai, then went to a boarding school in the UK before entering The University of Nottingham in 2008 to study Modern Languages. Throughout University, he was part of the Nottingham New Theatre and participated in two plays a year all during his time here. He...
  • Look out for… June

    When Steven Spielberg’s classic, Jaws, was released in 1975, it ushered in the era of the summer blockbuster, morphing the film calendar to produce a 7-month long season of big budget action movies, released practically every weekend – and 42 years later, 2017 is no different. For those who...
  • Trend Watch 3: Creature Comforts

    As the promise of future sun coaxes us into the month of May, springtime motifs of the cute and cuddly are sticking around for a little while longer, whilst also cropping up in come of the unlikeliest of places. The most notable of these places, in fact, seems to...