‘What nightmare stops Lord Byron dozing? The ghastly sound of bookshops closing.’ Title: Dawn of the Unread Author: Various Genre: Comic book, Gothic, parody Publisher: Spokesman Press Published: 2016 Nottingham has had a long-running literary history, as shown by its status as a UNESCO city of Literature. Utilising the...
It’s about that time of the academic year. Exams are over, results are imminent, and for many students, a departure from university is on the cards, with some unsure of what their next move is. The process of graduating, both in a literal and transitional sense, can easily evoke...
“Everyone creates the thing they dread”, claims Ultron as he corroborates his emergence as a formidable adversary to the Avengers. A by-product of the Iron Legion from Iron Man 3, Ultron is an unhinged opponent initially created by Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)to maintain peace on Earth. A physical...
The first of four collaborations between Marvel Studios and online streaming service Netflix, Marvel’s Daredevil is a fascinating depiction of good versus evil at its core. Marvel’s latest foray in television (or web television in this case) convinces beyond doubt; while Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. largely recovered from a sluggish start,...
Many of us binge on Netflix marathons but probably don’t munch brains with hot sauce. iZombie is a new comic book adaptation (yes another one) created by the same people who make the successful shows Arrow and The Flash. The show centres on our medical student protagonist, Liv, who gets...
Marvel unleashed the epic final trailer for the eagerly awaited Avengers: Age of Ultron. Similar to the teaser, it begins with another menacing monologue from Ultron (James Spader), who threatens to rip the titular team asunder. The cinematography looks thoroughly impressive and several scenes look like a comic book...
In 2005 and 2007 respectively, we were given two mediocre superhero flicks in the form of Fantastic Four and its sequel, Rise of the Silver Surfer. In August 2015, the franchise is getting a reboot, with Chronicle director Josh Trank at the helm, and this first glimpse is incredibly...