• ‘Bleak’ – February Creative Showcase

    Georgia Hamblett In the midst of the cold season, with snow on the ground and rainy days, Georgia Hamblett reflected on the word ‘bleak’ for our February Creative Showcase. BLEAK She enjoyed cycling. The majority of the time, at least. Sometimes she went out and hated it; she hated...
  • Summer Creative Corner

    Welcome to Impact's latest showcase of creative writing! These three beautiful pieces were submitted by our writers over the summer. ...
  • Impact in Isolation: Committee Poem

    Impact’s 2019/2020 committee comes together to compose a poem about what we’ve been up to during the Coronavirus lockdown.
  • Creative Corner showcase: Space

    March's poetry showcase explores 'space'- from outer space to birds taking off......
  • Creative Corner Showcase: Awakening

    As spring draws closer, Impact’s poets explore the theme of awakening, whether new beginnings or awakening to the reality of an ending... ...
  • Creative Corner Showcase: ‘Reflections’

    At the start of a new decade, it’s easy to set lots of resolutions and look ahead. But this month our poets turn to their reflections for inspiration in Emily Hall’s aptly-named ’20-20 vision’ and Lauren Winson’s poems on the power of memory.  20-20 vision My 20-20 vision is...
  • Creative Corner showcase: Growth

    Although the change in seasons means many animals are going into hibernation and trees are losing their leaves, the approaching end of year can also be a time for personal growth ahead of the new year. This month’s showcase explores ‘growth’, intertwining the natural and human words in poems...