• Stranger Things: Your New Favourite Creepy Eighties Supernatural Show

    More evidence that the internet is taking over the world: Netflix has delivered yet another excellent, binge-worthy original series in the form of the supernatural show Stranger Things. The series revolves around a number of unusual events that occur over the course of a few days in Hawkins, a...
  • Our picks for Scalarama in Nottingham

    The Scalarama international initiative to turn September into the unofficial month of cinema hits Nottingham! In convention with the Nottingham cinema collective, a month of cinematic entertainment awaits all around town for the avid cinephile or even the casual moviegoer. We’re here to let you know of some of...
  • Trailer Watch – Hidden Figures

    Mankind’s journey into space has been well documented in film – Apollo 13, 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Martian to name a few. But what about the women? This adaptation of the book of the same name, by Margot Lee Shetterly, tries to answer that very question. In...
  • The Glorious Return of GBBO!

    After a delayed start due to the Olympics, The Great British Bake Off has finally returned to our screens in all of its quaint countryside glory. Not much has changed from any of the previous seasons: Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood continue as judges (because if they didn’t, there...
  • Suicide Squad: Shoddy or Stupendous?

    This August saw the release of the most anticipated movie of the year, Suicide Squad, Warner Brothers’ second attempt to garner a fan base behind the DC Cinematic Universe. We’re asked, what happens when the most dangerous, deranged and damaged individuals are forced to come together? For the most part, the...
  • Sexy or Scary? Impact Reviews Villains

    It’s time for another Impact scrapbook! This time, we’re reviewing the best Villains in Film and TV in honour of the release of Suicide Squad. From Hans Lander to Moriarty, we’ve narrowed it down to our favourites: Moriarty – Sherlock A Spider in a web.  A good old fashioned...
  • Star Trek: Beyond Expectations

    Star Trek Beyond is the third installment of this rebooted franchise, which this time around has Justin Lin (Fast and Furious) at its directing helm and J. J. Abrams producing. Initially, when considering Lin’s appointment as director I was very apprehensive as I knew his style was certainly different to...