• Unconventional: Why WALL-E Will Always Be Pixar’s Crowning Glory

    Disney Pixar has brought various magical fantasies into our homes for over twenty years, inventing enchanting creations such as Toy Story, Up and Finding Nemo, yet I am thoroughly convinced WALL-E is their finest work. No other motion picture reaches its majestic level of powerful depth, ambition and most...
  • Trend Watch: Back to Your Childhood

    Whilst many cultural categories are often dominated by rulings and ratings of what’s hot and what’s not (fashion, I’m looking at you); film and television tend to be one area of the arts that manages to side-step this treatment and flourish in its own variety. However, in an attempt to...
  • Ready In 5: Coming of Age Films

    The universal affection for Coming-of-Age films is kind of ironic. None of us ever actually feel ‘grown up’, yet we find it impossible not to identify with all these stories about growing up. With nearly 21 years of life under my belt and still no signs of adulthood, I...
  • Homosexuality in Disney: Beauty and the Beast

    2017 heralds the arrival of the latest live-action adaptation of the Disney classic starring Emma Watson as Belle, however, the latest announcement from director Bill Condon tells us that there is going to be a bit of a diversion from the original animated version which will give visibility to the...
  • Look Out For…March

    While many are aware of the Gregorian calendar, there is another one that runs parallel to it: the film calendar. Such a schedule means that months like March and September are “in-betweeners”. They don’t quite belong to the artsy-fartsy films of awards season, nor with the somewhat hum drum...
  • LGBT On The Small Screen

    As we approach the end of LGBT History Month, here at Impact Film & TV we’ve taken a moment to discuss some of our favourite LGBT characters to ever be on the small screen, and what makes them so special. Nomi Marks – sense8: sense8 is an amazing TV series for...
  • Oscars Bingo: What to look out for at this year’s Oscars

    Finally, after a full year of waiting, the 89th Academy Awards are just around the corner. It will be a busy night for all, what with critics poised over their predictions and starlets spending hours upon hours preparing for their “role as human woman” (I tip my hat to...