Brimming, as ever, with bagsful of quirkiness and colour, Isle of Dogs has all the trapping of yet another Wes Anderson classic. The American auteur’s second stop motion animated feature, following 2005’s aptly named Fantastic Mr Fox, Isle of Dogs also focuses its story on the anxieties of the...
2016’s Fantastic Beasts brilliantly resurrected the Potter universe by turning the clocks back almost 100 years to give us a completely new perspective on a wizarding world that was larger and more magical than ever. Again penned solely by J.K Rowling and directed by Potter regular David Yates, the...
Vibrant with the warmth of youth whilst still unabashedly honest, Greta Gerwig’s debut feature, presents the anxieties of adolescence, the impossible task of parenthood and the ever-looming presence of the future in a truly brilliant coming-of-age drama. Just like previous Oscar favourites 2014’s Boyhood and last year’s Moonlight, Lady...
With an all-star cast and a momentously high concept premise, Downsizing is an intriguing, slightly confused film from Sideways and Nebraska director Alexander Payne. Payne situates his latest movie with the biggest of big picture ideas: human miniaturization. He paints us a near-future in which scientists have invented a...
The nominations are in, and now throughout Hollywood speeches are being written, falsely gracious losing faces practised, probably even somewhere red carpets dry-cleaned. And yet this year’s ceremony will take place in the light of what can only be described as a truly earth-shattering year for the industry. The...
Picking up 4 Golden Globes awards including Best Drama and thus currently highly tipped in the Oscars race, dark comedy Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is a truly scintillating picture with immense power behind its narrative teeming with both heartbreak and resilience. Set in Ebbing, a small rural US...
Known as the greatest and most selective screen actor of his generation, after 30 years of pushing acting to its limits, a record-breaking 3 Academy Awards for Best Actor, and a short stint as a shoe maker, Daniel Day-Lewis’ sensational yet quietly stellar career looks set to finally come...