In a year where the superhero genre has arguably hit the heights of greatness (Captain America: Civil War) and the depths of the cesspit (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice), X-Men: Apocalypse provides a safe middling entry to the list. The weakest of Bryan Singer’s four contributions to the...
There are many films with Apocalypse in the title. It’s one of the many clichéd and lazy selected titles that studios will slap on an unnecessary sequel in order to give it some “edge” over its predecessor. In Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the world wasn’t going to end. In Avengers:...
Let’s wave goodbye to 2015! Good times, bad times we’ve had them all – but you know what they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Over the coming month we’ll be bringing you a snapshot of everything 2016 has to offer – the good, the bad and the ugly. Hold...
Spy is a superb comedy that ticks all the right boxes. It is self-aware, memorable, and is packed full of brilliantly hilarious characters with even funnier lines of dialogue. A desk-bound CIA analyst goes undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer and prevent a global disaster....
Melissa McCarthy has an undeniable knack for playing several versions of the same character in the majority of her films, Spy looking to be no exception. However, her consistency in screen presence, slapstick prowess and steadfast ability to hilariously deliver comedic lines more than make up for this lack of variation....
Do you want to know the best bit of Annie? It’s when entrepreneur Will Stacks (Jamie Foxx) takes the titular orphan (Quvenzhane Wallis) to the cinema. What follows is a glimpse of MoonQuake Lake, a fake film starring cameo performances from Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher which parodies the...
Annie. It’s a musical nearly everyone has seen or knows something about. It’s the one with the chirpy red headed orphan. Well, think again… There have already been two Annie films. One in 1982 and another in 1999. As the musical is forever being revived on Broadway or the...