• SU Hustings 2019: Community Officer

    On the evening of Monday 4th March, the candidates running for the position of Community Officer participated in a hustings. There are two candidates running for the position: Jacob Collier and Edward Koffler. The hustings opened with a speech from Jacob who expressed that he was proud of the...
  • Meet your 2019 LGBT+ Officer Candidate

    Jake Card is a first year Chemistry student running to be your LGBT+ officer for the 2019-2020 academic year. The following are a few key points from his manifesto: Believing that “community change is always required”, Jake is committed to people being “taught about the past issues and main...
  • Meet Your 2019 Postgraduate Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your Postgraduate Officer for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Jin Jing Jin Jing is an international Masters student...
  • Meet Your 2019 Sport Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your Sports Officers for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Ben Bean Ben Bean is a third year Chemistry...
  • Meet your 2019 BME Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your BME candidates for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Omolade Osinaike and Bridget Mohammed Omolade Osinaike and Bridget...
  • Meet your 2019 SU Equal Opps and Welfare Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officers for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Catrina Coakley-Burns Catrina Coakley-Burns (Cat) is...
  • Meet Your 2019 Activities Officer Candidates

    During our Students’ Union Elections Media Day on Thursday 28th February, we chatted to the candidates who are running to be elected as your Activity Officer for the 2019-20 academic year. Take a look at what they had to say. Ava Meyer Ava is a third-year Politics and International...